5 Ways to Attract Highly Qualified Teachers

A school is only as good as the teachers that work at it. In order for students to reach their highest potential, they must be taught by knowledgeable, caring, and thoughtful teachers. Ensuring that every student has a highly qualified teacher needs to be a top priority for all school and districts. 

Here are five ways to attract highly qualified teachers to your school / district:

  1. Word of mouth

One of the best ways to attract new teachers to your school / district is by word of mouth. Think of it as a friends and family connection. Current teachers make the best spokespeople for school / district. Perspective teachers will be able to gain a better insight about your organization from a current teacher than anyone else. Additionally, it is vital that parents and students can speak positively about their educational experience. This word of mouth carries far and wide and can either make or break an organization.

  1. Social Media

While online job boards are still present, many district are also promoting open positions on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Furthermore, perspective teachers are checking out Twitter handles and hashtags to learn more about different schools and districts. It is important that educational organizations have a robust social media presence and are trending the positive. HR departments should send out regular messages open upcoming interview dates, information sessions, and district news. Twitter chats and Facebook groups can give a district an opportunity to spread their message to prospective teachers not yet familiar with the organization, and get them to want to learn more.

  1. Websites

It should come as no surprise that schools and districts should maintain comprehensive, informative, and attractive websites. Perspective teachers need to be able to learn about your organization’s mission, initiatives, and culture. Sadly, many school and district websites still lack basic information such as email address of key personnel, are missing quick and easy site navigation, and have nonworking links. For a prospective teacher, this could be their first contact with an organization. It is important that a strong first impression is made.

  1. Information Sessions

For the most part, schools and districts conduct most of their hiring in the Spring and Summer. Leading up to hiring season, districts should hold information sessions for perspective teachers. In doing so, districts can gauge the talent pool as well as potentially lock in particular candidates before they go on to interview in other districts. Furthermore, holding these sessions will provide districts with some good word of mouth press. Prospective teachers who are impressed with what they experience at these sessions will tell their friends and colleagues and urge them to apply for current or future open positions.

  1. University Partnerships

Creating a partnership with a university can help to create a pipeline of quality new teachers straight to a district. Student teaching and internship options can be created so schools and districts can experience these new teachers in action before a hiring decision needs to be made. Most student teachers and interns want to stay in their placement district as they have already created relationships with staff, parents, and students as well as become familiar with procedures and organization culture.

Dr. David Franklin, CEO of The Principal’s Desk, is an experienced school administrator, education professor, curriculum designer, and presenter. Dr. Franklin has presented at national and international education conferences is available for school and district professional development sessions. He can be reached at david@theprincipalsdesk.org or at http://www.principalsdesk.org.

Published by David Franklin

Dr. David Franklin is an experienced school administrator, education professor, curriculum designer, and presenter. Dr. Franklin has presented at national and international education conferences as is available for school and district professional development sessions.

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