The Power of Flexibility: Why Student Data Dashboards Should Be Customizable 

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the importance of data-driven decision-making cannot be overstated. Student data dashboards serve as invaluable tools for educators, administrators, and even students themselves. However, not all dashboards are created equal. The key to unlocking the full potential of these tools lies in their flexibility, adaptability, and customization. It is crucialContinueContinue reading “The Power of Flexibility: Why Student Data Dashboards Should Be Customizable “

Transforming Education with ChatGPT 5 Ways Schools Can Benefit

As a large language model, ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the way schools approach education. From personalized learning to assistive technology, here are five ways ChatGPT can be used in schools: Personalized Learning: With ChatGPT, schools can create personalized learning experiences for each student. The model’s ability to understand and respond to natural languageContinueContinue reading “Transforming Education with ChatGPT 5 Ways Schools Can Benefit”

5 Educational Concepts to Eliminate in 2021

2020 was a rough year on everyone in education. Schools across the country were closed to in-person learning due to fear of virus spreading throughout communities. Instead of classrooms, students learned from their teachers from their bedrooms, kitchens, dens, and day care facilities open for essential workers. Teachers were forced to pivot quickly from in-personContinueContinue reading “5 Educational Concepts to Eliminate in 2021”

5 Educational Concepts We Need to Eliminate in 2020 (Distance Learning Edition)

As the 2020-21 school year opens, schools and classrooms across the country are eerily quiet. Millions of students are beginning the school year remote learning from home. Teachers have spent weeks and months preparing for this change as COVID-19 failed to dissipate over the summer. Instead of back-to-school shopping, parents frantically worked to figure outContinueContinue reading “5 Educational Concepts We Need to Eliminate in 2020 (Distance Learning Edition)”

5 Ways Principals Can Lead In A Virtual Environment

Many school districts across the country are either choosing or being mandated to begin the 2020-2021 school year with distance learning. While this is disappointing to so many of us, we must also recognize our new reality and put measures in place to ensure that students experience a robust and comprehensive online learning environment.

School principals will be critical in supporting this robust environment. Teachers and parents will be looking for leadership during these uncertain and ever-changing times. Principals must rise to this challenge and bring together communities.

Here are 5 ways for principals to lead remote schools:

3 Ways School Will Look Different In The Fall

This article was orginially posted on writen by Robyn D. Shulman and Dr. David Franklin from The Principal’s Desk. This is what most students can remember before the pandemic arrived, and school will most likely look quite different this academic year. To develop strong social and emotional skills, kids must be in an environmentContinueContinue reading “3 Ways School Will Look Different In The Fall”

5 Ways Schools Will Look Different In The Fall

For most of us, April and May felt like they lasted way longer than 30 days each. Unfortunately, August and September probably won’t look a whole lot better. Teachers across the country are doing the best they can in delivering content that was designed for in-person instruction over the web. Parents are struggling to balanceContinueContinue reading “5 Ways Schools Will Look Different In The Fall”

5 Lessons Learned From Distance Learning in the Time of COVID-19

Right now, millions of children across the United States are learning from their teachers from their own kitchens, living rooms, and backyards. The reality is beginning to set in that children might not be returning to school for a while. Teachers are working hard to pivot from in-person instruction to an online approach, attempting toContinueContinue reading “5 Lessons Learned From Distance Learning in the Time of COVID-19”

The Kids Are Not All Right

Close your eyes. Picture a school. Any school. What do you see? What do you hear? The sights and sounds of a school are universal: Children laughing and running around on a playground, teachers working with students through math problems or science experiments. There is noise, lots of noise. There is movement, a lot ofContinueContinue reading “The Kids Are Not All Right”

Distance Learning Tips During School Closures

Closing a school or a district in order to prevent the spread of illness or to avoid dangerous weather is no small task. Closing schools requires collaboration between the individual school, the district, and local health officials. UNESCO points out that school closures create a variety of distance learning challenges to consider: Parents unprepared forContinueContinue reading “Distance Learning Tips During School Closures”